Friday, June 7, 2013

coming into a new day

[photo from Pinterest]

Ooooooh goodness. I'm saying this as if I am just back from a long bike ride, wiping sweat from my head and pushing my hair back with my hands. I'm graduating in a week!!!!! From COLLEGE! And I know that people have gone before me and that people will come after me, but this is still a big deal. A sad deal too because it means that I am leaving and others are moving- this place will never be the same.

And I'll admit that I love it when things stay the same- no, I just enjoy consistency. Nostalgia sometimes compromises my ability to adapt to new life and opportunities. The years I've spent in college have been so special. Walla Walla is a magical place, and the time I spent in Spain is comparable to nothing! My friends are all unique and beautiful.

California has always meant warmth and light and freedom to me. Perhaps that will change when I start my job there, but I hope it doesn't. I hope that I can carry the things in my heart that I have planted there while in college here and abroad. That I'll wake with hope in the morning and trusting in God at night, so that I can come into each new day fully embracing the past, present and future.