Monday, January 27, 2014

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Sums + Totals

It's been a while, hasn't it? It impressive how much Nick and I have packed into the last month. A total of 2 car accidents, from which we both walked away unhurt. 1 narrowly avoided accident, to which we were the first on the scene. I held a girl's hand as she took deep shaky breaths, and I called emergency services while standing in the middle of an icy highway.

A total of 1.5 drives up and down the West Coast. Moving into 2 different apartments back in our college town. A total of $136.00 I spent at Costco to fill that apartment with food, something that was unheard of back in Hacienda Buena, my beloved fifth-wheel trailer in California. Celebrating Christmas 3 times now, all with different groups of people. A total of 10 days spent at my old job doing new things. And innumerable hugs and well wishes from so many folks; people we left in California, people who have received us back with open arms.

If one can be so open and honest, it would suffice to simply say that I felt stuck in California. Stuck in a job that held no hope for the future, stuck financially because of living in an expensive area and filling my gas tank, stuck in a spiritual rut of anger at my church. And as I did the sad equations in my head, there was only one place I wanted to come back to.

The radio station is the last place I thought I'd end up at. And so I am surprised at how totally okay I am with being here; with my little radio family and living in my little house of best friends. 

(Total number of times I've visited the humane society this week: 3. And I've come home empty handed because as Nick keeps reminding me, there is no room in my apartment for a homeless, hungry Doberman.)

There is such a desire to fill up my life with goodness and love. To fill my days at work being useful, to come home and be happy, to go play outside or even visit the gym and be healthy, to read and be educated. And always, to simply move forward, wildly and freely, with zest and energy. 

PS: Come visit me! :)