Thursday, May 29, 2014

important things.

Being thrust into the working world has been a big challenge for me this past year. Maybe cause I stepped into it pretty willingly? I thought it was imperative to start a career. And yeah, it's important to figure out what you'd like to do after college, what kind of career you'd like to build. Important to pay off my student loans, too, which is going to take a while. But the more I sit at my desk, no matter how meaningful the things I'm doing are, it's just not all its cracked up to be. We are not made to be sedentary, but to move along with the seasons and work with Mother Earth traveling along side us. Money is not everything. Don't let pressures from parents, friends, and teachers push you into something you don't want to do. Go into the world with equal fear and excitement for whatever you will do.

There are things that are more important to me than work:

Being outside and climbing rocks, hiking, being in awe of nature.
Making sure my pets are happy, active and healthy.
Eating well and making cooking a fun experience.
Being careful about what I'm consuming of this planet's resources.
Treating others with respect, daily. Smiling at folks. 
Spending time with Nick Ham, loving him with big love. 
Letting the beat of my heart align with the beat of music, and the beat of my dancing feet on the ground.
Allowing a good amount of "me-time" to regroup in my own head.
Letting my creativity take me places, instead of trying to control it.
Feeling warm and well fed.
Warming those who are cold and feeding those who are hungry.
Finding ways to live a little more simply, each day.
Practicing writing, as I have all my life. 

I may have a full time job, but in the words of Sean Chiasson: "My soul cannot be tamed!" 
Neither can yours. Do what you want to do. It's okay if you want to take a year off. 

Thursday, May 22, 2014

lost in my mind.

I don't always share. 
I like thinking that whatever feeling a song, 
a piece of art, 
a memory, 
a hike alone in the woods, 
a solo late night dance party, 
a sip of coffee, 
the sun on my naked skin 
gives me is...just for me. 
Those things that make my heart beat faster 
and feel vibrant are 
only felt and understood by the soul 
embedded in only me. 
It's okay to be lost in my own head,
I'm the only one who knows me 
the way I know me.  

Thursday, May 15, 2014

"Come...take my out of this dull house! 
Let me have all the freedom I have lost...
For I would ride with you upon the wind, 
Run on the top of the disheveled tide, 
And dance upon the mountains like a flame."