Monday, July 14, 2014

roots and rabbits.

My brother David is wild like many animals you can't trap in the wilderness. 
Completely illusive. Completely too fast. Completely free. 
And who has searched for his identity is many places I don't know exist. 
He has walked around the planet and with nothing on his back. 
We were kids and we were rabbits once; free.
And for years, I've watched him dodge the trappers and the predators,
The hopelessness that seeks to crush tiny bones. 
Somewhere along a trail, I tripped over my own roots and watched his heels disappear into the distant sun.
The sound his feet made echoed for miles.
Sometime I sit in this cell made for innocent people and
I wait to hear the shuffle of his feather light movements, 
Asking me to follow him, running back into the wilderness.
I swear I'd break every last window here, abandon every ship I've failed to sail.
We would always be rabbits,
never never never coming back.