Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Frosts + Grapes

There was a freak frost last week. Then some freak snow. There was a big storm moving down from Alaska, and everything was frozen solid. We drove out to some friend's vines and picked extra sweet, freezing cold grapes and let them melt in our mouths. "A late season Riesling for ya!" is what our friend Tom called them. We went out to Bennington Lake and sat on the ridge overlooking the valley- we could see the fog rolling over the Blues.

This has been a season of sudden change. When we were in California, we missed the seasons. But back here, we watched the leaves turn to fire and drop, watched the ice glaze over them. This season. The dog was hit by a car, and we cried harder than we ever have before. We made a big life decision, we started putting away a lot more money and not eating out as much. We chose our bridal party. We even changed the direction the kitchen table sits in my studio. The BearCat sleeps on the bed with me at night, which is a new experience, he is such a big lump. I am trying to walk to work.

There is a season for everything. I believe that, truly. And that seasons teach us and mold us and allow us to accept change, both the instant and the gradual. Seasons teach us to let go of things that were never meant to last, and to be open and at peace to the new things that will come.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

everything burned. 
like I was butter and you were the sun
and I stood there, melting
right in front of you.