Wednesday, January 14, 2015

A word to college kids.

There's a lot I want to tell college kids, even though it seems I was just one myself. Things like "don't pay too much for college" and "don't try to find a job right away" or "chase your curiosities, not your passions." Profound stuff, really! But I feel like it should be common sense, even though that's not how I did any of it.

Right out of college (expensive, private college), I got a job that sucked, didn't save any money, and did not take advantage of the opportunity right in front of me: six months of freedom before my loans were due. Then I had to find another job.

If you're a college kid, I'd suggest getting a couple credit cards and traveling. It will seem like a drop in the bucket when you start paying everything back. Just take your credit and go, go learn to BASE jump, or travel to Europe and see all the cathedrals, or go to all the National Parks in the United States (there are only 59).

Just go. Don't let the social obligations of society tell you who you need to be or what you should do with your life and your time. Time is not a renewable resource. You will never get today back. Just go live your life, the one you've always imagined.

I don't know if this video has anything to do with what I wrote, but I suggest just watching it and maybe it will help give you a taste of what it would be like to do what you love everyday, regardless of what happens.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Drums, salt, and sand.

Listen. For a drum and a war cry
and the piercing of a sky and the water
that is in all of us
that drains to all the seas and always comes back
Mark says we are all drums.
And I say we are all sand and salt, 
Easily worn away by the passing of time. 
What a relief to walk free into the red desert
and let the grains peel away, welcomed back into Her arms. 
What a relief to be able to play your own drum, 
loudly and with no regrets.