Thursday, June 2, 2016

Bigger Adventures

A couple weeks ago, I gave my boss a letter that said I'd be leaving my job at the end of the summer. Seems like a pretty simple move, but many hours of thought went into it. It's tough to step out into unfamiliar territory and reach into the unknown. But you gotta do it. 

So I'm going to culinary school next year! Ya! I'm gonna be a chef. It's a big deal to me, to go back to school. Nick will also be in the nursing program, so at least we'll be in it together. Perhaps we should enroll Zuri in school too? :) Culinary has always been in the back of my mind. A thing I could do, but when would I make time for it, where would I go, etc etc.

And one day, I had a conversation with my friend John that I'll always remember. It went something like this: admitting out loud to a real human that I only experience short glimpses of happiness in my life these days. Moments where I remember who I really am, the things I want to celebrate, and where I experience true joy. Just moments! And it made me cry. I knew I had to step off the beaten path I'd been creating for myself and do something (anything!) and that's when I took a trip out to visit the Culinary Program. So that's the plan now, and I'm proud of it. I'll never again let anyone tell me that working in an office is what I should get used it, that it's normal. It's not.

Anyways, I'm hoping to keep writing on here. But I've also started working on a new blog where I'll be sharing our same old adventures but with the added bonus of fun recipes I'm trying and what I'll be learning in school. Looking forward to this new adventure!!! (I'll post deets on the new blog soon).