Thursday, August 21, 2014

Hermano de mi alma.

For Mark, on his birthday. 

With every foot, stepping-
forest fires, gulping seas. 
      And life begins again. 
With every word to me, ironed into a flat
     sheet to cover more ground,
      Life begins again.
With every beam of light
      (each its very own. 
          never before seen,
          felt, or heard crashing into
          the stones of the earth),
That gets caught in the shadows of trees,
    struggling to push through, to reach you.
                                      Life begins again. 
And you are the trees; the ones lost and the ones found 
Roots that spreaaaad
    further, as seeds becoming natives, 
    tumbling over most every human.

Each new morning, each new glimpse, your very Steady breath 
resonates in the rocks,
Life begins again- 
       And the Wild echoes,
       calling to their Brother. 

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