Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Welcome Back!

Right now, I am in a very different place than I was last year at this same time. Let's call it a place of doubts and softness and lots of work and stresses, but also a deep sea of real love. 

Writing is a tough gig to play, kids! And I was ready to finally put it to sleep, but then I got an email that said my alma mater is publishing FIVE of my poems in this year's journal of literature and art. Which made my whole heart cry because I swear I write nothing but absolute shit, and someone out there thought that was pretty special. 

So maybe I won't let this blog die quite yet. Maybe I'll just try to get something on here every now and then. I'm trying to focus on having new experiences and making new connections to the people in my tiny town. So welcome back and we'll see how this goes.  

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