Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Small injuries + full hearts

There have been some ailments in the house this month. BearCat got beat up by something while roaming the night and had to spend 24 hours at the vet's getting a burst abscess cleaned out. Then Zuri ran straight into my knee and knocked me flat, luckily no permanent damage but it definitely hurts! It's put a snag in my running game. And lastly, Zuri developed a infection in a mammary gland and is on antibiotics/anti-inflammatory meds. She also had some cooked chicken bones as an accidental snack and so waiting for that to clear has also been a little stressful.

I wouldn't trade having animals in my life for anything. Growing up, my dad taught me the importance of having compassion for small creatures. He has a huge heart for animals, so we brought home a lot of strays. Stray cats mostly, and bunnies, and once we had a hedgehog for a couple weeks. I snuck a kitten into my room by hiding it in a shoe box. I knew if I could get it past my mom, it would be enough to convince my dad to keep it. My mom was mad. My dad was compassionate. We kept the cat. Every animal was unique and special to him, regardless of where it came from. When Pip was hit by a car, my dad cried for me and for the dog.

Even how I got BearCat was strange. My friend had discovered a litter of kittens under their porch and needed to find homes for them. I was freshly moved into the trailer in LA and needed an animal to keep me company. My friend Doug said he had one for me and brought me BearCat on a whim, tucked into a little travel box, to a concert I was at. Bear sat in the crook of my neck through the loud music; he had fallen asleep.

My vet bill this past month was insane, I put it all on a credit card. I don't care. There are a hundred people in my life who I cherish and adore, who I couldn't live without...but there is nothing compared to the secret spot of understanding and adoration I share with my dog, or the absolutely care-free moments of pure fun I share with my little wild cat. I hope my life is always full of silent moments with dogs who need love from me, and moments of warmth from small things tucked into the corner of my arm or behind my knee as the sun goes down. There is nothing I would trade that for. Nothing ever.

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