Monday, January 23, 2012


Victoria is full of blunt wisdom and guidance. I tell her my mind is rolling down a hill, and she puts her metaphorical foot on it and tells it to stop and listen, while she unravels my problems one at a time:

Stop worrying
About how you can’t take your own advice,
Just begin.
Quit procrastinating
Stop being fake and
You don’t need to know where to start,
You just need to know where to stop.
One step at a time, baby,
One day at a time.
Jesus loves you, so don’t go
Feeling sorry for yourself
--Just do what it is Jesus and you both
Know you need to do.
Conviction = action
You wouldn’t feel like this is you weren’t
Supposed to do something about it


  1. incredible...
    It's amazing that we always worry about where to start, how to get on the right path, when all the while, we need to know where to stop. Innately, we know where to get off the wrong path. God might not always tell us where to start, but He most definitely tells us where to stop.
    <3 luff :)

  2. If God had wanted me to be otherwise he would have created me otherwise. so true! BE YOU.
