Sunday, January 8, 2012

young clear eyes.

In the wake of the stress and anxiety of finals week and other disasters, I deactivated my Facebook account four weeks ago to focus on other activities without distraction. This week, as college life is starting to warm it's engines back up, I'm feeling the pull to reactivate it so I can be back in the loop.
But I just have no desire to use my Facebook anymore! I see things differently now. I didn't think not having a Facebook to virtually live through would make a difference in the way I interact and get to know people, but it's impact has sunk deep. And I think, "I wasn't even on it everyday!" but it was the channel I turned to when I wanted to know something, learn something, advertise something about myself or someone else.
Now I am forced to be direct. My interpersonal connections have intensified and I see people's faces right in front of me, the lines around their mouths moving and their eyes blinking rather than starring at a static image, & I hear their words spill out instead of reading them in formal lines.
I am beginning to see people with new eyes again.

1 comment:

  1. This is so funny, because I almost deactivated my account two weeks ago, since I was "going to argentina" and wanted to really focus on what was happening there. But maybe I'll still do it. I want to focus on what is happening HERE! Also, let me know what your schedule is like and when you're free for a coffee date or something : )
