Saturday, June 23, 2012

departures & arrivals.

"where is the life we have lost in living?" -ts. eliot

the time in spain

The road to California has been twisty-turny-upside-downy. Wild. Unplanned. Unmapped. I hadn't slept in the same place twice before I arrived at camp.

- Matt and I drove from Walla Walla to his house in Angwin
- We slept outside of Yosemite in the wilderness on a tarp (where I climbed the hardest route I ever have! 5.10d)
- I crashed on the couch at our friend Bobby's ranch house, then abandoned in Folsom (we took samples of everything at the farmers market)
- Then taken in by Rachel (climbed a tree in a lake, and ate Euro-style in the park) and put up in her pool house.
- We were dropped off with our backpacks again by Jason (who took us to his grandparent's home for dinner on a whim. They are generous and South African and make me LAUGH) on a street corner in Sacramento at midnight (don't tell my mom!)
- Where Danielle picked us up and took us back to Angwin
- Where Dani and I set up our hammocks on Cameron's porch and fell asleep till the sun's hot hot heat got our blood pumping again...

The freedom of it all was so sweet, no sugar added. We had so many highs- driving fast towards sunrises, climbing massive granite faces of rock, running around the California Capital Building, hiking Smith Rocks, singing every Third Eye Blind song (and making up most of the lyrics because they are so hard to understand!). And we sometimes had lows where Matt and I passively overlooked each other. Sitting in Starbucks reading one day, I could see him itching to leave, but not wanting to leave me there alone. I told him I needed alone time, and he walked back into Rachel's neighborhood in Folsom.

 But it was so imperative. Necessary. Adventure. And after so little sleep and so much MOVEMENT, here-

Leoni. Leoni. Leoni.


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