Thursday, January 3, 2013


How I am beginning to feel, every day. Thank God. 

Courtney and I are on a week-long adventure. Last year around this same time, I hit up all four corners of the Northwest and thought I'd do it again- see the same people and new ones too. 

It's so good to be in motion! It's refreshing, dodging off and on the grid, losing cell service, sleeping on floors, hugging people! New Year's Eve, we somehow managed to get all NINE of us on FOUR ice blocks and slid down the hill at Overlook Park in Portland. It's so good and I wish I had a better adjective rather than "good" cause it just doesn't do it justice!

But this is not what I am excited about most. What I am excited about is miracles and learning to believe in them more than ever before. That good things can come from struggle and perseverance and God coming through even before you ask Him to. His constant lovelovelovelovelove.

Okay! So! Miracle numero uno!:

School is expensive, and each quarter my parents and I are scraping the bottom of the barrel to come up with a down payment so I can start school. My phone buzzed last week with my mom saying "Do you believe Jesus answers prayers before you even say them?" "Yes, I do!" "We have all the money you need to start school!" I didn't even ask how or where it came from. 

Miracle numero dos!:

After multiple sobbing breakdowns, constant work, three tutors (Sean, Armelle, and Tom Mann: Saints), endless cups of coffee, and two overnighters studying for a final, I finally had the guts to check my grades yesterday at my friend Emily's house after posting all the money for my down payment. And I passed accounting!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was dancing and fist pumping, as were Emily's mom and Courtney. I imagine Jesus was, too. 

Miracle numero tres!:

Have you looked around today and seen the incredible beauty of the earth that is rushing at you!? We made it to Kootenai last night on some icy roads, safe and sound. And woke to the clearest and coldest day with fresh snow on the tops of all the mountains. Take time to say hello to Mother Nature and thank God for doing all this for you. It is a miracle. 

Perseverance. Love. Joy. Hard work. Thankfulness. Hope. Prayer. All these are bursting out of my heart today. 

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy you passed accounting!!! :) My mom told me about the celebration, and how much she really loved both of you! :)
