Wednesday, December 26, 2012

I ran down to the dock; snow blowing into my face and stinging the skin on my neck. Who needs scarves?! Liberated. Braving the weather, stepping carefully to avoid slipping on the slush. The geese were still in the water- how can they stand it? I could see straight down to the greenish rocks walking out to the dock. I'm so in love with that place; funny how we fall in love with places so much easier than we fall in love with people sometimes. Or how much easier they are to love. Probably because they don't move, can't run from you or judge you and places don't care much what you think of them either. It was extra cold, but I laid back on the grates and put my feet over the edge; the white took up all my vision. I remembered what I'd read in The Help: "Cause that's the way prayer do. It's like electricity, it keeps things going." And I thought of all of us that need a little shock to the heart to keep us running this race, and sent a couple words of joy filled thanks waaaaay out into the whiteness, like they'd make the water ripple from bouncing around so happily.


  1. I loved the movie the help and now you've got me wanting to read the book! Love this.

  2. I love a couple places. I'm not sure I could love more than a couple. I wonder if it's like that with people, too. You've got good thought Becka. Wish I could have gone running with you into the white.
