Sunday, December 23, 2012

the way you are.

Stephanie in the pottery studio

Embrace what you do best. You are talented in your own way! Sometimes I feel embarrassed when people say things like "You are a wonderful artist!" because it feels funny rolling off people's tongues on to the top of my head. Weird right? 

But then I remembered my best friend from 8th grade at public school. Her name was Sam and she had a beautiful voice. One day, we were waiting for the bus and I was feeling so blue! She sat criss-cross on the grass and told me to come sit in the space on top of her feet so she could wrap her arms around me. And she sang to me!! She did what she she did best for me, what service. 

Do not be embarrassed of what you do best, share it willingly and it will help others to embrace their best as well. I think I really do believe that. Paint and sing and create and give of yourself; it will inspire others to share and open up. 

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