Monday, November 11, 2013

the signature of every thing.

Let me preface this by saying, I am not disappointed at all  by the book I'm reading, but I do feel a little cheated by it because the title sucked me in- The Signature of All Things. When I read about part way through the book that the idea of "the signature of all things" was that God had pressed Himself into nature, like a lithograph, so that there would be signs and trails to him through every bit of nature, every flower, petal, stem, tree, and blade of grass- I thought that was extremely beautiful. And then there was no more elaboration in the book about it! That was the disappointing part. 

But it did make me think of where I see the signature of all things. Where God has pressed Himself into this planet and my life and the faces of my friends and family and strangers, too. It makes me think of my friend Danielle's mom who had knit her a blanket, and said prayers for Danielle the entire time she was weaving it together, so that her mother's prayer for her daughter would be caught in between the loops. To be carried always and lead Danielle back to where she came. The signature of a mother. 

It made me think of how I make fun of Nick because his eyes make the ladies swoon. I often tell him that we get a table right away at a restaurant or complimentary stuff because they'll look into his deep blue eyes and be instantly lost. But those are the same eyes that have witnesses so much life- and so much of my life! It is amazing that I can look into his eyes and know that there is something so far back in them, what they have seen, that brings me back home to his heart. And his to mine. That is a signature too. 

Or how I, too, like in the book, have examined a flower and found God's handwriting in it's wiring. In the way it moves and works and it is so similar to the way I move and I work. The joints and veins, my elbows and knees, and blood rushing back and forth to my heart. And I am in wonder and awe of how God has pressed Himself into me, as well, and I can look at my own hands and find Him there. 

1 comment:

  1. Is that a photo of our good friend Stephalump?!
    Maybe Liz Gilbert doesn't even know where to start elaborating! Haha
