Thursday, November 28, 2013

It's November 29 and it's Birthday Time

Amsterdam, 2010 above and 2009 below

Whenever the clock turns to 11:29, the time has arrived to make a wish! Because ever since we were in high school, Kate Beck has been conditioning me to always make a wish on her birthday time. This year, I wish that everyone would get to know her a little better, so here you go!

1.       Her birthday is November 29. Whew, got that out of the way.
2.       She can run for days, or at least 12 miles (so however long that takes).
3.       Naturally blonde, but naturally smart as well.
4.       Naturally doesn’t get blonde jokes the first time around.
5.       Despite those things, has also learned how to do a handstand. 
6.       Is a super nerd (which means she's an English major).
7.       Could also pass as a super model.
8.       If she can add sweet potato to any given dish (or situation), she will.
9.       Can have a conversation with a llama.
10.   She will make you play Dutch Blitz, even if you don't want to.
11.   Manages to find all the good deals at yard sales.
12.   One time tortured me by making me do a cleansing diet with her for a week.
13.   Fluent in Spanglish.
14.   She is very good at harmonizing; in song, with babies, birds, kittens, but not directly with nature.
15.   Does not like nature.
16.   Does not like hiking.
17.   Does not like camping.
18.   Does not like dirt.
19.   Does not like sleeping outside.
20.   Does not like fire drills.
21.   Does not like being made fun of.
22.   Does not like it when she is not in the middle of the group photo.
23.   Yet always seems to be in the middle of the group photo.
24.   Has a perfect nose.
25.   But also has a college degree!
26.   Will eat directly off your plate without permission.
27.   Maintains an open closet policy with me. What’s mine is yours, even though I may never get it back (you are never going to wear all those sweaters anyways!).
28.   All the workout playlists on my iPod, she made.
29.   I look like a confused, weak, mangy ferret working out next to her so I try to avoid that at all costs. No one looks that good when they lift weights. Or run. Or do crunches. Or walk in general.
30.   Has always let me copy her Spanish homework. And math homework. And English homework. As well as History of Adventism homework.
31.   Has such a swagger that I would recognize that booty anywhere in the world, as long as she’s walking away from me.
32.   Gives the best gifts, and the best hugs.
33.   Makes the best coffee (and always remembers what you usually order).
34.   Creates so beautifully.
35.   Dances so wildly.
36.   Laughs so heartily!
37.   Believes so deeply.
38.   Loves so fully.
39.   Lives so freely.  

And truly, she is my greatest friend. Love you, bestie boo. Hope I didn't offeeeeeend yooooou! <3

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