Friday, August 24, 2012

choosing favorites.

Kessler gettin' to the top of Black Butte!

A few months ago, it seemed that a lot of hearts were breaking (aren't they always?), especially the hearts of the girls in my small group. So one evening, my good friend Kessler had us all sit down and create little paper books filled with things that make us happy. "So you can look at it when you're sad and feel happy that joy exists outside your heartbreak!"

A week later I ran out of money for school. And I immediately thought life as I knew it was over. So I took my book out and read it out loud in between sobs, "I love...*sniff*...Barcelona, rock climbing, hipsters, babies, *SNIFF*...Mother Teresa!" and so on. It helped a lot. I asked Kessler to give me her list of things that make her happy:

Sweaters. Puffy white clouds. Origami. Cats. Cuddling. The smell of clean laundry. Book. Bookstores! Lightning and thunder. Getting to the top. Matching bras and underwear. Laughing so hard you cry. Kid's smiles. A good cry. Hugs. Trees. Good music. Hats. Imaginations. Differences. Sleeping outside. Stars. Being warm. And bike rides.


  1. I remember when my friends made "happy lists" in high school and I thought they were crazy. But now I wish I had theirs, I'm starting one ... right NOW!

  2. Awesome! I want to read it when you're done!
