Wednesday, September 26, 2012

accounting is hard.

I drove home today so I could sit in my own kitchen and work on my accounting homework, which I have to take for my last-minute Business Minor & which is also about as fun as hitting your head repeatedly against a brick wall. My parents have been cleaning out our garage and finding all kinds of good stuff- like old journals, pictures and letters from their college days. And while flipping through her poetry journal (how beautiful is she! A poetry journal!) from years gone past, my mom found these appropriate lines:

Never ask of money spent
Where the spender thinks it went
Nobody was ever meant
To remember or invent
What he did with every cent.

-The Hardship of Accounting
 by Robert Frost

The time capsule in our living room

Mom standing on the top of the wall around the girl's dorm at WWU
Baby Bernie!

solid ground.

You were cold as the blood through your bones
And the light which led us from our chosen homes
Well I was lost

And now I sleep
Sleep the hours that I can't weep
When all I knew was steeped in blackened holes
I was lost

Keep the earth below my feet
For all my sweat, my blood runs weak
Let me learn from where I have been
Keep my eyes to serve, my hands to learn
Keep my eyes to serve, my hands to learn

And I was still
I was under your spell
When I was told by Jesus all was well
So all must be well

Just give me time
You know your desires and mine
Wrap my flesh in ivy and in twine
For I must be well

Keep the earth below my feet
For all my sweat, my blood runs weak
Let me learn from where I have been
Well keep my eyes to serve, my hands to learn
Keep my eyes to serve, my hands to learn

-Mumford. Below My Feet.

Friday, September 21, 2012

what ships are made for.

The Moroccan border

This is perhaps the most productive week I've ever lived. Everything is officially in my apartment, along with my new roommates. I have been awake at 5:30am every day, and not going to sleep until midnight (that's not healthy, I know). We've had our first massive dinner, overflowing the place with people and the noise that comes along with them. The fundraiser at the radio station ended, and I put in 30+ hours in the last 3 days. This year, I'll be working three jobs (the radio station, the student association ministry assistant, and President of the Amnesty International club)- doing triple duty and overtime along with a full load. Plus, I'm so new at everything. Like a baby. That's what I am.


You'd think I'd be losing it, but it all feels alright. A familiar funky anxiety came over me this week. But it wasn't the death-grip on my heart that anxiety usually feels like. It was the kind of excitement that came over me before I left for Spain a couple years ago- 

The feeling of stepping out into the blatant unknown and being ready for a whole lot of learning, loneliness, fear, happiness, joy, growth, and adventure. Here's a quote that could sum all this up pretty well: "A ship in a harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are made for."

Saturday, September 15, 2012

I was sitting in the studio moving some audio files around last night and a song called "The Redeemer" by Sanctus Real popped on the log right as horrid videos of the rioting and protesting in Libya came on the news. And as it went on (it has beautiful lyrics), I felt hot tears in my eyes watching the TV, so I turned the song up in my headphones.

All that goes on this this world- it's heartbreaking. & I so badly want to still believe in God's offer of new life.

If you listen to the song, you'll understand. But for now, here's a video of the band members sharing their stories of redemption. Enjoy.

Thursday, September 13, 2012


You know how when you go backpacking, you're supposed to pack lightly and efficiently with nothing that isn't essential?

I don't always do that well. Late last night, I officially moved out of my parent's house (again) and put everything I own in the back of the truck (minus a box of clothes & the hair dryer, which I forgot). It's so much more than I need, more than just the essentials. And it's funny that this tradition has been repeated since I was 16 and still every single time, my mom is on the verge of tears when we say goodbye and I immediately start tearing up the moment I leave the driveway. It was like leaving on a long backpacking trip with the kitchen sink and a bike strapped to my pack.

And there was a lot on my mind while I flip flopped around on my mattress on the floor in my apartment (I've upgraded to mattress-a la-floor from the couch in Kate's house): organization, schedules, classes, money, relationships, new jobs, what's happening in Libya, I didn't actually sleep well last night because I was making a mental calendar, filling in the spaces with academics, work, more work, and Amnesty club and "climb night", "Yoga morning." and when I'll shower & eat. This one specific phrase kept flashing through my brain: "it's not forever."

get it guuuuurl!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


My friend Amy is someone I feel so known by. I haven't actually known her for long, but we share an intertwined story- a history- and a passion for the color yellow, adventure, feather earrings, and talking things out. She has a heart that searches relentlessly for God's. 

She spoke for church one morning at camp and what she said totally blew me away. One of her campers had asked her the night before something like "If God knows who and who isn't going to Heaven, why would He keep trying with the people who aren't? What's the point?" Amy replied that she imagined it as this situation: if you had a puppy and that puppy ran into the highway and you knew it was going to get hit by a car because you could see it speeding down the road, would you not be screaming at the top of your lungs, going as far as to run out into the road yourself, in order to tell your puppy to stop and come back? Would you not do that for something you love? SomeONE you love? Would you not be extremely desperate to keep trying to save the thing you love even though you could see the inevitable coming straight for them?

Free choice. And with someone like Jesus standing in front of you, why is it still so hard to run towards His voice?