Tuesday, September 11, 2012


My friend Amy is someone I feel so known by. I haven't actually known her for long, but we share an intertwined story- a history- and a passion for the color yellow, adventure, feather earrings, and talking things out. She has a heart that searches relentlessly for God's. 

She spoke for church one morning at camp and what she said totally blew me away. One of her campers had asked her the night before something like "If God knows who and who isn't going to Heaven, why would He keep trying with the people who aren't? What's the point?" Amy replied that she imagined it as this situation: if you had a puppy and that puppy ran into the highway and you knew it was going to get hit by a car because you could see it speeding down the road, would you not be screaming at the top of your lungs, going as far as to run out into the road yourself, in order to tell your puppy to stop and come back? Would you not do that for something you love? SomeONE you love? Would you not be extremely desperate to keep trying to save the thing you love even though you could see the inevitable coming straight for them?

Free choice. And with someone like Jesus standing in front of you, why is it still so hard to run towards His voice?

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