Thursday, September 13, 2012


You know how when you go backpacking, you're supposed to pack lightly and efficiently with nothing that isn't essential?

I don't always do that well. Late last night, I officially moved out of my parent's house (again) and put everything I own in the back of the truck (minus a box of clothes & the hair dryer, which I forgot). It's so much more than I need, more than just the essentials. And it's funny that this tradition has been repeated since I was 16 and still every single time, my mom is on the verge of tears when we say goodbye and I immediately start tearing up the moment I leave the driveway. It was like leaving on a long backpacking trip with the kitchen sink and a bike strapped to my pack.

And there was a lot on my mind while I flip flopped around on my mattress on the floor in my apartment (I've upgraded to mattress-a la-floor from the couch in Kate's house): organization, schedules, classes, money, relationships, new jobs, what's happening in Libya, I didn't actually sleep well last night because I was making a mental calendar, filling in the spaces with academics, work, more work, and Amnesty club and "climb night", "Yoga morning." and when I'll shower & eat. This one specific phrase kept flashing through my brain: "it's not forever."

get it guuuuurl!

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