Thursday, April 11, 2013

roommates and airports

Today I planned on biking a very casual 12 miles. Mostly because on Sunday, I have to bike 12 miles for a triathlon the University is sponsoring and I got stuck with the biking part. Or maybe I should say I am privileged to have to do the biking part, heaven forbid I should drown in the swimming pool. Running and biking I can do, but the thing about swimming is that I can't breathe underwater. Breathing for me is essential. 

A mile into my bike ride, I saw KD running towards me in the opposite direction and I stopped my bike. I never got back on my bike because we stood on the side of the road yapping away as car after car (and biker after biker, no doubt practicing for Sunday) zoomed past us. Airplanes flew overhead too I should mention. Multiple airplanes. And this is something I appreciate so much in my roommate is that she allows her entire routine to change in order to speak and listen to someone. We finally turned around to walk the mile home and she asked me how I was feeling about graduating. 

KD said, "It's just funny that once you've graduated and say you're gonna go get a real job and do something that's important to you- you've kind of arrived! You are no longer working towards something, you are doing [hopefully] that something. You've arrived!" And that's pretty true haha! And that's really wonderful and amazing! But it also reminded me of the times we have all come and gone and come and gone, and always arrived and then later departed. 

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