Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Oof- today. Today. Today. My heart is feeling for Boston. My heart is feeling for Ashlin. And for kids that have grown up since the Oklahoma City Bombings and the solider choosing to starve himself to death instead of continuing to fight for life. I've watched a lot of CNN over the weekend and talked to a lot of mothers of sons and daughters, and saying how the world is changing and maybe coming to a close. Sometimes I just have to log off, so that I can remember what KTW said to me tonight while we made dinner in my warm, safe kitchen: "Don't forget that there are good people doing good  things in this world. You don't always see them on the news, but they're there and you can be one and we can all choose to be good."
I believe that God is pulling everything together, like gathering dirt in between His hands in a garden to plant something beautiful-- all for our eternal good.

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