Monday, April 8, 2013

the ups and downs of owning keys.

KD and I have been waiting for the mailman for a few days now. Not because he's not bringing the mail, but because we lost our mailbox keys. And in an attempt to avoid paying $40 for new ones, we're hoping we can casually drop in on the mailman like "Oh, hello! How convenient that you're here! I was just going to grab my you have any more for me? Wanna hand me everything that's been building up in my mailbox for the past FOUR WEEKS, please?"

And also, I lost my house keys. They were on a ring with my spare car key, my other mailbox key, and some really really really really cool key chains. 

Because of this, we leave the house unlocked during the day, but (and here's the kicker) when we swing the front door open sometimes it bumps up against the fridge and that pushes the lock in again and boom- door is locked. So the solution to the no-house-key problem is to climb through my window. Which does not have the same welcoming effect as walking through the front door. Definitely makes me feel like a thief in the daytime. So the most important thing becomes not letting anyone see me creeper-crawling through my window instead of walking normally into my own home, where I pay rent, in order to make dinner. 

Why does everything I need to get into have a lock?? This is a good lesson, listen up kids! First- with many keys comes much responsibility. Second- the best things in life (like a house with a warm bed and mailboxes and people whose hearts have been broken) have locks and often you will need to either pay or EARN the key privileges. Once you have the keys, do not LOSE the keys. Dang it! The end!

1 comment:

  1. I had to jump through my window lots last year; its normal!
