Wednesday, July 17, 2013

hips and their truths.

Yesterday was the hardest and easiest yoga class I've ever been to. Simple stretches, but so much concentration dedicated to doing them right. With the right muscles tightened and flexed, the right breathing, the right amount of stretch. "Bring your belly to your spine and breath out...flex the front of your thighs, it should loosen up the back of your thighs..." (sidenote: those are not muscle I know how to use, so I kind of just flexed a lot of different muscles and rolled with it). But as we sat with legs crossed and our instructor told us all how to sit properly so our spines were looooong, and the sides of our feet lay flat, she said to talk to our bodies in our heads... 

"You need to have a conversation with your hips
And tell them that they don't need to be doing
at all
Right now."

I had been trying to pull myself closer to my toes, but as I talked my hips down from the ledge, breathing in rhythm with the strangers around me, my body relaxed. "Hey, I know we've been sitting in an office chair and wearing heels all day and you're upset about that. But you don't need to hold me up right now, so take a sec and chill," is what I told them gently.

I was relieved to lay on my back at the end of class, the teacher turned the lights down and we all breathed together for five whole minutes. The lady next to me was breathing so deep, I thought she had dozed off. At the end we said our namaste's and I popped my hips back into gear. It felt so good to stand, I could feel them telling me internally, "thanks, we needed that." 

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