Monday, December 12, 2011

accounting for friendship.

Katie: "We finish each other's-"
Ian: "Sentences."

These two goofs have been a couple of my best friends since high school. I met them in Ms. Whidden's AP Language class our junior year at WWVA. And ever since then, I have been constantly entertained by their banter and LOUD sarcastic verbal outbursts about everything from professors, their honor classes, politics, to music and to what they wear (if Katie wears an argyle sweater vest over a dress shirt with jeans and boots, there's a high chance that Ian is wearing the same thing simply by coincidence). They are also some of the most genuine and kind people you could ever meet; especially to each other. I have watched them interact for 5 years now, and I am always reminded of how precious good friends are by how they never miss chances to care for each other or their friends around them, how they respect each other's opinions, how they remind each other of who they are and give each other value. I am overcome by thankfulness and joy watching them study for Accounting from across the living room in Katie's apartment as they talk about depletion, units of production, and allowance, and also how many days are in each month- which has nothing to do with accounting.

Ian: "30 days hath September, April, June, and November! All the rest-"
Katie: "Have 31, except for-"
Ian: "February."

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