Saturday, December 17, 2011


On mornings that I come home to my parent's house in Tri-Cities, my dad usually gets up early, goes to the grocery store and buys coffee and doughnuts for all of us. I woke up late, long after my dad returned and walked into the kitchen to pick out a doughnut. Maple bars and apple fritters. I like to give my brother David first choice (cause he's my older brother- and thus "deserves respect!" as he puts it. But maybe only some of the time when he's not being a turkey).

Mom: "David, did you get a doughnut yet?"
David: "How can I put this?"
Mom: "It's a simple question."
David: "This is the animal world and I am a lion! If you want food, you run and hunt it down like a predator!"
Mom: " you got one?"
David: "Yeah, I did."


  1. Your family sounds so cool Becka! I'm done with my writing residency, and I hope we can catch up over this break! :)
