Tuesday, December 27, 2011

all these tireless, wireless connections

It’s Christmas and we’re at my Gram’s house in Auburn, Washington. My Aunt Deb always gets me funny Christmas presents; never anything I need or particularly want. She doesn’t call me on my birthday (I don’t call on hers either). I’ve never gotten a card in the mail from her. We just don’t know anything about each other! Well- she knows I like canned baby corn and I know she loves cats.
…She has a lot of cats; she can talk about how beautiful a certain cat is the way a wine…person can talk about really good wine. She just loves animals! I see her maybe twice a year.
But then tonight, my mom showed her a picture of me rock climbing. She came and sat in front of me across the dining room table, bright eyed and goes, “I love rock climbing. I am so proud of you for doing that.”
She told me when she was young, she used to climb around Palouse Falls, and one time, she rappelled off a tall bridge. I wanted to say "Yeah, you did! And guess what? I really like cats too!"
She said she used to be so scared, always, but she did it anyways! She is the coyest person I’ve ever known.
This is funny because about three weeks ago, I wrote out a list of things of who I am, what I want to do & who I want to be become down on a big piece of cardboard and stuck it up in my kitchen. One of the things I wrote down was “RECONNECT AND CONNECT WITH OTHERS!”
My funny Aunt and I have never connected before. Ever. Until today! Hallelujah!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, i just found your blog.
    I love your cardboard idea...writing down the list of things of who i am, what i want to do, who i want to become (and I am adding...things i want to let go of).
    I am going to do it....tonight...thanks for the inspiration...
    Janet W.
