Friday, December 23, 2011

night time, light time.

Becky Perdew and I have been getting our chill on every day since break began. For the past 4 weeks, we’ve been sharing sleep time and pillow talk between our two apartments- all that stands between us is a 30 second walk! She’ll carry all her blankets over to my place or I’ll go crawl into her GIANT plushy bed.

Last Saturday, we were up at 4am to drive to Tri-Cities to pick up Canda. Turns out the cheapest train ride you can get from Spokane leaves at 2am. And 4am isn’t a good time for Becky and I, cause we have developed a satisfying habit of staying up late into the night talking, reminiscing, eating Nutter Butters, and liberally spilling our guts to each other (how wonderful are good friends!). But we dragged ourselves out of bed, pulled on sweaters and got into the absolutely frozen car to pick up our other friend Chris Robison, who had cheerily agreed to come with us.

In case we forgot about him, he had texted us both at about 3:45 saying “SEE YOU IN TEN MITTENS!” Chris is always prepared. He hopped into the car, fully equipped with a water bottle, two different kinds of homemade bread, apples, CDs, and a book to read out loud from. All Becky and I had was gunk in our eyes.

But we got to the Amtrak station in Pasco just in time to walk in and find Canda’s smiling face as she jumped up to greet us! I don’t remember the trip back because I completely knocked out into a deep sleep, but crawling back into bed with two of the most wonderful women I know at 6:30am to get three more hours of sleep is the most peaceful feeling I’ve had in a long while.


  1. I have taken the 2 a.m. train. It's so brutally early! And it's a cool/intriguing crowd at that hour!!! Chris's text made me smile. :)

  2. Awwww,this just makes my heart fill with joy! I hope there are many more times like these, in the near future.

  3. dude emily! i'm coming up to sandpoint for new year's, are you gonna be around the spokane area?
