Saturday, April 28, 2012


The other day, I was in the check out at Walmart buying coffee and creamer (the essentials!) and i was caught in between two families who both had little kids. I’m such a sucker for babies! Even though they were probably 3 years old.

Still babies. Love babies.

There was a girl and a boy, and they were sort of checkin each other out, getting kind of close…closer…until  Little Girl put her face up into Little Boy’s face and laid a kiss on his little lips!
I gasped and tried to keep from laughing or smiling too big. Oh my goodness, it just made me want to cry it was so hilariously unexpected. Kids always do what adults only get to think about doing. He turned towards his mom who was standing in front of me, giggling and went “Mooom! She kissed me!”

“Oh you know, honey, you can say hi to people without kissing them,” she said skeptically.

But the smile on Little Boy’s little face said that maybe that’s not always the best way to introduce yourself :]

1 comment:

  1. I think that kissing is always the better option... :)
