Monday, April 2, 2012

spell checked

On a bicycle made for 4!
My mom has an iPhone- totally loves it. Loves showing it to people and showing them all her apps, like they've never seen one before.
It's eons more superior than mine, which I've had for four years and all it does it call, text, and buzz anymore. Putting my shoe up to my ear is more effective some days. The iPhone in contrast can speak hundreds of languages, tell the weather and time in hundreds of countries and auto-corrects everything you type.
She texts me goodnight and iPhone goes "I live you!" auto-correcting what she really means- cause living for one another is what love is all about.

1 comment:

  1. I love that. I live you! Someday, I may incorporate that into my wedding. (ya like my planning?) Got your text the other day and it made my day and then I got swept up in something and didn't get to text you back. I'm going to sneak attack you back with a text one of these days. Be ready. :) In the meantime, keep writing! Love Emily
