Thursday, April 26, 2012

"we'll run wild, glowin in the dark"

Coldplay is important. My brother doesn’t think so, but who are you going to believe? I’m serious- Coldplay is really really important! Which is why Emily, Becky, and I went to their concert on Tuesday night (a school night!) in Portland. Actually, Becky didn’t know until a couple weeks ago that we were going for her birthday- but Emily and I bought tickets back in January. So sneaky we are!

It was PACKED. The whole place sold out; so many people. I looked up how many people the Rose Garden can hold- 19,980 people!

Each person got a wrist band when we walked in. And when the lights went out before the band came on, all the wrist bands lit up in different blinking colours! Suddenly, the stadium was a sea of lights and people losing their minds because “OH MY WORD, MY WRISTBAND LIGHTS UP!!!” I couldn’t contain it- my level of excitement was beyond measurement. It could not be measured! Please understand this!

But not just because it was four British dudes, not just because their beats and their words are radical and beautiful or because I’ve been waiting since 8th grade to go to their concert, but because each one of us became a light in a sea of 20,000 lights.

You’d be real shocked at all the life lessons you can learn by going to a Coldplay concert.
It doesn’t matter if you’re up or down, jiving or just tapping your happy foot- you’re part of it. You bought the ticket, you showed up and you put on the wrist band. You’re contributing to the entire experience; you’re connected. It meant something to be there. It wasn’t just a concert with music. It was spiritual- people from everywhere coming together, raising their hands, dancing their dance, singing their song, all shining their light- creating the bigger picture.

God placed the light of His love in you- who you are is an imperative puzzle piece in the big picture; the world is not complete without you! We’re all in this together.

 I really hope we all get blinky bracelets in Heaven.  


  1. I love this picture! And it sounds like such a good time. Way to play hookie on studying. :)

  2. Charlie Brown will always be inspiring... And so will you, my love. So let's learn our life lessons, break our ear drums for the night, and love the vibrations in our rib cages.

    And let's do it together ;)

    Miss you

  3. Coldplay is a spiritual experience. Word.
