Tuesday, November 20, 2012


What I'm scared of most about graduating is finding a job where I fit in as well as I do at the radio station. About finding work with people who care about a cause, who care about me, who I can care about, and who care about people. 

Fun with Don's iPhone

Because here- they care so much about people. There is no mistake where their hearts lie. They spend precious work time on the phone with listeners, talking them through hard things, taking prayer requests, praying over the phone, standing at the booths at events, talking talking talking, listening listening listening. It's not just the music that creates this ministry; it is the people keeping it up and running.

Over the years, they've come to know my family and close friends as they've passed through bringing me lunch or coffee. One day, Walter (the station engineer) texted me saying my good friend was crying in her car in the Andy's parking lot. He had recognized her face and thought she could use a friend. When I drove over and crawled in her passenger seat, she asked how I had known she was there- "Walter told me." She was shocked at how much he cared when most people would have just walked by.

Sali, the office manager, has given my hand-me-downs and furniture, listened to my rants, given me time off work to do homework, knitted me Christmas presents and brought me coffee. Don, the morning show host, is my father figure and smothers me with bear hugs, encouragement, and good advice. He even has a picture of me on his shelf, among pictures of his own kids. Even my "hardhearted" boss Ernest jokes around with the student workers during our meetings and keeps miniature Angry Bird plush toys in his office to battle us with. We celebrate everyone's birthday, and decorate for the holidays, and have moments of extreme laughter where we roll on the ground from the hilarity. They all make time for people.

I'm worried about not being able to find a place where we can all gather together in a tiny office and pray. At one point last year, I came in before going to speak to my boyfriend about breaking up. They all dropped what they were doing, came into Sali's office and put their arms around me, praying for God's will and strength and hope. What beautiful people. They are such Christians- and I know by their love.

I feel so very at home here, at the front desk. Among my to-do list and post it notes. I'm worried about having to clean out my desk at the end of the year and move on. I'm worried about finding another family. Perhaps my expectations are too high, being blessed with such a positive work environment. But I hope that I can carry their influence in my heart enough that perhaps I will be the one to start this same kind of thing somewhere else.

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