Thursday, November 1, 2012

fresh air.

The rain hasn't stopped for even a minute today. And its one of those days where I wish I could drag my twin mattress down to the back of my truck, haul all the blankets out of the house and drive out to Valley Chapel to sleep under the stars. Teresa Reich, whose field I usually park in, always tells me, "come sleep on the couch when you get cold, crazy girl!"

All summer at Leoni, I slept in my hammock, hung up under the deck of the lodge or on top of the 40 foot climbing tower. For the first few weeks, I woke up with my heart pounding from coyotes howling. I was terrified the first time I heard them; the echo created by the building made them sound like they were directly underneath me. I moved my bed into the lobby.  But by the end of the summer, I was running out into the meadow to yell at them to stop yipping!

The reason sleeping outside works is because it makes my brain stop worrying about the things that worry me and start to worry more about staying warm (or getting eaten by the wildlife).

It's just me out there. What a grand adventure, finding out I made it through the night when I wake up covered in all the leaves that couldn't hold on any longer, and let go in the middle of the night.

1 comment:

  1. Ah this blog helps me today. Mostly because I remembered how sleeping outside stops my mind too and it is another tool to put in the tool box of getting the mind under control. I love this B. and I love your spirit. :)
