Wednesday, November 28, 2012

where the heat is.

Janae (space heater not pictured)

We have these friends who live in a pretty big house. It is a good home. These friends are men and there must be at least 20 of them living in this one house. And even though it is winter, they refuse to turn the heat on until January...

Because look at all the money they're saving! When I visit them, I take my wool socks. Most of the news I hear from my friend Nick, who lives in the house, is that he's cold. Just cold. All the time. I get texts like "I live in the Arctic" or "I'm wearing three coats" to which I respond "I live in a crock pot! Come to our home!"

We definitely don't skimp on turning on the heat. Janae has a tiny space heater and we place it in one room or another and we huddle in front of it doing homework, drinking coffee, napping, making dinner...

Which I love,  because it makes me feel like heat is where the heart is. All of us drawn to it like the porch light of a home I am so sick for sometimes. 


  1. No, not the cold, cold winter! I'm not ready to freeze. I like that, heat is where the heart is. You may find my heart laying in front of your space heater very soon :)

  2. Replies
    1. Hahaha nooooo not actually 20. But I can't ever keep track of who lives there and who is just passing through!

  3. ahhh I love this post!! I have a space heater and find the same thing happening with me. It draws people in. Why do boys live in discomfort to save money? Doesn't make sense to me. :)
