Friday, October 12, 2012

experiencing salt.

Lacey, Daniel, Courtney, Kevin, Spencer, Kjohn, J-Hards, Greg, Nick, Mark, and Carly. Just a few salty people :).

Matthew 5 says that we are the salt of the earth. We are flavorful and should bring that out in others, too!

And the people in my life are so salty! They are SO GOOD. They are gold. My family is encouraging and always anxious to listen to me. My schedule is water-tight, no spaces. Yesssss okay, this is reality! but people are SO GOOD, and that  is reality too and they spread sunshine on my life like butter on bread in the summer heat. --it melts, and drips and soaks in. Oh, it's good. So good.

I've found that if I just sit near Sean while I do accounting, I do better! Sometimes all you need is someone that supports you and tells you that you can do it. And Sean, who is an accounting major, obviously knows I can do it because I've been blazing through assignments, asking intermittent questions and getting them RIGHT. Holy cow- who knew I could do math! And his words of encouragement, "Becka, I will help you WHENEVER you need it. You'll do great!"

John Lubke was visiting last week and simply his presence made day-to-day living a little richer. He is an amazing human being. It was a blessing to have so much time to talk with him.

Janae, my roommate, crawled into bed with me at 5:30am Thursday morning, whining and mumbling, "MMMMmmmy feet are cooooollddd." And we wrapped up in all my quilts and slept in warm contentment before she took off for class. My other roommate KD always checks on me throughout the day, with texts like "Hey giiiiiirl! How's your day?! Tell me if you want coffee! You hungry?? I love you, giiiiiiirl!"

People are feeding me. Let me tell you! Short story: Last school year, I was dirt poor. Church mice made more than I did. My prayers through the times I had no money went something like, "Abba, please send me my next meal. And if you can't do that, send me money and I'll make it myself. You da best. Amen." Usually something would show up. The University campus is a fantastic place to be to get free food. Because it is full of fantastic people and fantastic events.

Trevor brought me a haystack for lunch on Monday, Nick made me lunch yesterday (and fixed my bike tire! without me asking him to. What love!). Yesterday, Savonna (my co-assistant for the Spiritual Department) in the middle of a long 8-hour haul, gave me homemade bread, vegan enchiladas and frozen yogurt. Dean and David made brownies in my house last week and gave us most of them. Janae is always cookin' up noodles, and shares without hesitation. Becky gave me a honey crisp apple. KTW brought me ICE CREAM while I was whirling away at accounting balance sheets. Wednesday, Sean gave me his waffle stacked high with peanut butter and applesauce. It was the first thing I'd eaten all day and it was worth the wait!

People make me laugh. Laughing is important. My favorite thing is when I walk into family dinner and everyone is happy to see me. It changes my entire universe. It makes laugh a fully-happy laugh. Their little faces! I can't get enough of them! Family Dinner is one night a week where all us friends get together and eat at one of our houses- every community of friends and family should do this. Our friend Chad is here from Alaska, and when I saw him, my heart laughed for joy and so did everyone else's.

God is good. People are good. And right now, they are reinforcing my faith in humanity. Perhaps it's Jesus, since He is intuitive and knows I become hopeless easily. He is hot on my trail, coming to find me out here in the middle of wherever I am.

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